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Don Norman's

Philosophy of Care Statement

My primary aim as a therapist is to help people have a better quality of life in relationship to others and in relationship with one’s Self. My varied background as an educator and clergy person informs how I offer my services in a number of ways.


My faith traditions in my practice show that I value acceptance, non-judgment, and the importance of making room for others amid their efforts to grow and change. My life as an academician and as an educator has exposed me to a wide variety of research about what brings change and growth and how to facilitate such positive life conditions. My first question to those that seek my care is, “How can I help?” I strive to listen with a “beginners mind”, open to what is presented without the distractions of preconceived notions of what I see.


I gather both current and historical information and work with those who seek assistance to start constructing a narrative that makes sense and offers direction on how to move toward change and growth. I find it helpful to always understand the presenting concerns from a systems perspective, i.e., to see and understand the larger context of family, extended family, and the social context that surround and influence the challenges facing help-seekers.


I always strive to work for change and growth in a time-efficient manner, using the strengths and resources of the help-seeker, identifying untried or underutilized change skills, and encouraging and coaching the help-seeker towards a better quality of life sought. At other times, the issues presented require looking at the larger challenges of life, e.g., “What meaning is there for me in life, or what decision is the right decision and how will I know?” More time in therapy is required in such instances. In my work with individuals, couples, families, and groups, I keep my ethical obligations in awareness, always striving to bring my best in the service of those who entrust me with their care.

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