Small group study and fellowship nurture the individual and strengthen the fabric of the community.
A year round Bible study is offered on Wednesday mornings, 9:30-11:00 a.m.
Other assorted short-term studies are offered throughout the year.
The United Methodist Women gather regularly in fellowship, service, and mission.
The Senior Adult Fellowship enjoys meals, day trips, programs, and even the occasional polka.
Mission & Outreach
In addition to the mission trips made by our youth and university students, our church family reaches out in a wide variety of missions both near and far.
The Community Space, a joint mission with the local Congregational - United Church of Christ providing free food, clothing and other household items for those in need
Special adult mission group opportunities -- both locally and in other parts of the United States
Whitewater Food Pantry, a community-supported source of supplemental food for those in need
Bethel House, an ecumenical mission supported by the WARM churches and seven other Whitewater churches that provides local interim housing for homeless families with children for up to one year
Monthly Loose Coin Offerings for special mission needs
Individual missionaries around the globe whom we regularly support - Tony and Erica Omoijuanfo - Glean Ministries - Paul Webster - Mujila Falls Agriculture Center
Annual denominational ingathering of material goods to meet a variety of needs around the world - United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)
. . . and many more!
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir meets Wednesday nights and performs for the Church most Sundays. Contact Christine Hayes for more information!